Dissertation Coach, Dissertation Consultant


At Dissertation by Design, we understand the importance of flawless academic writing in your dissertation or thesis. That’s why we offer a dedicated team of professional editors and academics with academic writing and formatting expertise. Our editors are ready to support you in those final stages of writing, ensuring that your dissertation is polished and ready for submission, allowing you to confidently meet your deadlines.

What Sets Our Editing Services Apart

Personalized Assistance: You can access our team of editors after we return your edited proposal or dissertation. Our editors are committed to providing exceptional customer service, answering your questions, and guiding you through any remaining challenges to help you complete your dissertation on time.


Three Levels of Editing: We offer three levels of editing to cater to your specific needs:

  • APA Editing: Our APA editing service focuses on ensuring that your dissertation adheres to the strict formatting guidelines of the APA style. Our editors will meticulously review your document, checking citations, references, headings, and overall compliance with APA guidelines. (See below for pricing)
  • Developmental Editing: If you require more substantial support, our developmental editing service is designed to enhance the overall structure, clarity, and coherence of your dissertation. Our editors will provide insightful feedback and suggestions to strengthen your argument, improve the flow of your ideas, and enhance the readability of your work. (See below for pricing)
  • Proofreading: Our proofreading service is ideal for those who seek a final check for grammar, punctuation, spelling, and typographical errors. Our editors will meticulously review your dissertation, ensuring that it is error-free and ready for submission. (See below for pricing)


Risk-Free Satisfaction Guarantee: We stand by the quality of our work and are committed to your satisfaction. If your committee requests revisions related to the editing we performed, we will make those revisions at no extra fee. We are dedicated to ensuring that your edited dissertation meets the expectations of your committee.


Flexible Turnaround Times: We understand that you may be working under tight deadlines. Our standard turnaround times are provided below. However, if you require expedited editing services, we are happy to accommodate your needs for an additional fee.


Click here to download our document outlining how editing works with Dissertation by Design.


APA editing includes correcting typos, misspellings, punctuation, grammar, style, syntax, phrasing, transition, flow, and scholarly tone according to APA style guidelines. Our APA style experts will also format the following elements of your document:

  • Margins, page numbers, spacing, and font
  • Headings
  • Reference list entries, including crosschecking them with in-text citations*
  • Tables 
  • Numbers
  • Lists of tables and figures
  • Table of contents 

*Note: This service does not include researching and verifying references for accuracy. Our professional editors flag references and in-text citations that are incomplete or do not match. It is the client’s responsibility to verify references for accuracy.

Rate: $0.044 USD per word 

Turnaround time ~ 5-7 business days for proposals and 10-14 business days for complete dissertations


Ideal Timeline:

  • Allow 10-14 days for editing and formatting
  • Allocate 2-7 days to review edits and address comments left by the editor
  • Reserve 4-7 days to work with the editor to correct post-editing revisions


Developmental support involves critical analysis of content or organization. 

Professional writers/scholars: We are happy to perform developmental editing to nonstudent scholars and writers in the early stages of drafting a document for professional publication. 

Students: We provide developmental feedback for clients completing a thesis, proposal, or dissertation only as part of our coaching service. If you’d like to learn more about this service, click here to read about coaching or to schedule a free consultation. 

Rate: $145 USD per hour


Proofreading involves reviewing the final proof of an article or book to be sure spelling, punctuation, grammar, and formatting are consistent and accurate. 

Professional writers/scholars: We are happy to perform proofreading for scholars in the final stage of the editing process before professional publication. Proofreading occurs after all professional copyediting revisions have been completed and the work is in its final form before publication.

Students: Proofreading for students completing a thesis, proposal, or dissertation occurs as part of the APA editing process. We do not provide dissertation proofreading as a separate service for students.  

Rate: Estimates provided on a per-job basis.

Turnaround time ~ 3-5 business days


We offer a variety of assorted dissertation editing services including, but not limited to:

  • Reference list editing and formatting
  • Citation cross-checking
  • ProQuest formatting
  • Table of Contents assembly
  • Table formatting
  • Lists of tables and figures assembly

Rate: $145/hr USD

To receive a quote and purchase dissertation editing services:

Complete the below editing service request form and attach your doctoral dissertation or thesis as a Word file. Please specify any unique formatting needs in the message box provided. We recommend that you include a 24-hour buffer period between the return date and submitting the final doctoral dissertation or thesis to your committee so that you have time to review and address all edits and comments.

We will call you to review your request and issue an invoice via email within 24 hours. We require full payment in advance or a 25% down payment to hold time on the calendar for future dissertation work. If you are in a rush or have questions, please call us at (984) 221.8217.